Technology Scribble by Jeen

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

log4j: How to compress log files and save instead of log rotation

You can use this method if you want to save all the log files in your production server and keep it there for ever.


2. Use a similar configuration. Key is to use TimeBasedRollingPolicy

<appender name="RFA" class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
<rollingPolicy class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<param name="ActiveFileName" value="app.log"/>
<param name="FileNamePattern" value="app_%d{yyyyMMdd-HH}.log.gz"/>
<!-- param name="Append" value="true"/ -->
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%m%n"/>

Configuration explained in detail
Appender name - just a string to name the appender I used "RFA"

Threshold - Default threshold value for the appender. I used DEBUG to log everything

Rolling policy class - TimeBasedRollingPolicy this triggers a time based rolling policy. see the conversion pattern for more details

Active file name - Self explanatory I used app.log

File Name Pattern -
  • "app_" is the prefix for the compressed file
  • %d{yyyyMMdd-HH} triggers two things. one compressed log file name in specified date format. Also triggers hourly rotation since HH is specified. For daily rotation you can remove -HH
  • .log.gz triggers the compression. the compressed file will be in .gz format

Pattern layout - pattern layout for each log line

Use this feature only if it is really neccessary for your project. log4j 1.3 alpha is an abandoned release and no idea why is that abandoned. But unfortunately TimeBasedRollingPolicy is not available in any of the other log4j versions. But if you are looking for this feature, go ahead and use it. I can give you guarantee, it is working in my project in production for last 3 years.


Friday, April 24, 2009

How to give a Lotus Notes link in a microsoft application word, excel etc..

Any lotus notes document will have document identifier which is called as UNID. For providing a link to a notes document in a word or excel, we just need to copy paste the UNID as a hyper link.

How to obtain notes identifier?
Right click on document.
Go to document properties
go to the tab <+>
copy the url in the field identifier (url will be of the pattern Notes://servername/uniqueid)

Most helpful for companies which use outlook as email client and notes as document repository.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Drools. How to convert DRL file to XML format and XML file to DRL file format

With the Drools api helper classes, it is very easy to convert a provided drl file to a corresponding xml. Similarly it is very easy to convert from xml file to drl file. Following example code explains how.
public class DroolsConversionHelper {

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
private static String convertDrlFileToXml(String drlFileName) throws Exception {
Reader source = new InputStreamReader(
DrlParser drlParser = new DrlParser();
PackageDescr pkgDesc = drlParser.parse(source);
XmlDumper xmlDumper = new XmlDumper();
String xml = xmlDumper.dump(pkgDesc);
return xml;
private static String convertXmlToDrlFile(String xmlFileName) throws Exception {
Reader source = new InputStreamReader(
XmlPackageReader xmlPackageReader = new XmlPackageReader();
PackageDescr pkgDesc =;
DrlDumper drlDumper = new DrlDumper();
String drl = drlDumper.dump(pkgDesc);
return drl;

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When to use log.isDebugEnabled()

Logging statements are essential for any standard application. Usually log levels are configured at system level. That is developers just need to write log.debug() statements and forget about while they run or not in various enviornments.

But as a developer, make sure you use log.isDebugEnabled in places where it is appropriate. You don't want to wrap all the log.debug statements. That wont gain you much performance, instead increase code cluttering.

One best place I would suggest is when you try to print a object which has a large toString method with a reflection to string implementation or so.


I use log.debug("Start")


if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

Monday, April 13, 2009

Java Transaction Attributes explained in detail

Must read article before deciding on transaction attributes while configuring spring transaction manager transaction attributes for different service methods for your application

I had to search a lot to find a good article explaining in detail about various transaction attributes in java transaction management. At last I found the below piece of information from ibm website.
Full credit to the owner of the article. click here to view the entire article. Corresponding section copy pasted below.

Transaction attributes

In addition to the rollback directives, you must also specify the transaction attribute, which defines how the transaction should behave. The Java platform supports six types of transaction attributes, regardless of whether you are using EJB or the Spring Framework:

  • Required
  • Mandatory
  • RequiresNew
  • Supports
  • NotSupported
  • Never

In describing each of these transaction attributes, I'll use a fictitious method named methodA() that the transaction attribute is being applied to.

If the Required transaction attribute is specified for methodA() and methodA() is invoked under the scope of an existing transaction, the existing transaction scope will be used. Otherwise, methodA() will start a new transaction. If the transaction is started by methodA(), then it must also be terminated (committed or rolled back) by methodA(). This is the most commonly used transaction attribute and is the default for both EJB 3.0 and Spring. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is used incorrectly, resulting in data-integrity and consistency issues. For each of the transaction strategies I'll cover in subsequent articles in this series, I'll discuss use of this transaction attribute in more detail.

If the Mandatory transaction attribute is specified for methodA() and methodA() is invoked under an existing transaction's scope, the existing transaction scope will be used. However, if methodA() is invoked without a transaction context, then aTransactionRequiredException will be thrown, indicating that a transaction must be present before methodA() is invoked. This transaction attribute is used in the Client Orchestration transaction strategy described in this article's next section.

The RequiresNew transaction attribute is an interesting one. More often than not, I find this attribute misused or misunderstood. If the RequiresNew transaction attribute is specified for methodA() and methodA() is invoked with or without a transaction context, a new transaction will always be started (and terminated) by methodA(). This means that if methodA() is invoked within the context of another transaction (called Transaction1 for example), Transaction1 will be suspended and a new transaction (called Transaction2) will be started. Once methodA() ends, Transaction2 is then either committed or rolled back, and Transaction1 resumes. This clearly violates the ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties of a transaction (specifically the atomicity property). In other words, all database updates are no longer contained within a single unit of work. If Transaction1 were to be rolled back, the changes committed by Transaction2 remain committed. If that's the case, what good is this transaction attribute? As indicated in the first article in this series, this transaction attribute should only be used for database operations (such as auditing or logging) that are independent of the underlying transaction (in this caseTransaction1).

The Supports transaction attribute is another one that I find most developers don't fully understand or appreciate. If theSupports transaction attribute is specified for methodA() and methodA() is invoked within the scope of an existing transaction, methodA() will execute under the scope of that transaction. However, if methodA() is invoked without a transaction context, then no transaction will be started. This attribute is primarily used for read-only operations to the database. If that's the case, why not specify the NotSupported transaction attribute (described in the next paragraph) instead? After all, that attribute guarantees that the method will run without a transaction. The answer is simple. Invoking the query operation in the context of an existing transaction will cause data to be read from the database transaction log (in other words, updated data), whereas running without a transaction scope will case the query to read unchanged data from the table. For example, if you were to insert a new trade order into the TRADE table and subsequently (in the same transaction) retrieve a list of all trade orders, the uncommitted trade would appear in the list. However, if you were to use something like the NotSupported transaction attribute instead, it would cause the database query to read from the table, not the transaction log. Therefore, in the previous example, you would not see the uncommitted trade. This is not necessarily a bad thing; it depends on your use case and business logic.

The NotSupported transaction attribute specifies that the method being called will not use or start a transaction, regardless if one is present. If the NotSupported transaction attribute is specified for methodA() and methodA() is invoked in context of a transaction, that transaction is suspended until methodA() ends. When methodA() ends, the original transaction is then resumed. There are only a few use cases for this transaction attribute, and they primarily involve database stored procedures. If you try to invoke a database stored procedure within the scope of an existing transaction context and the database stored procedure contains a BEGIN TRANS or, in the case of Sybase, runs in unchained mode, an exception will be thrown indicating that a new transaction cannot be started if one already exists. (In other words, nested transactions are not supported.) Almost all containers use the Java Transaction Service (JTS) as the default transaction implementation for JTA. It's JTS — not the Java platform per se — that doesn't support nested transactions. If you cannot change the database stored procedure, you can use the NotSupported attribute to suspend the existing transaction context to avoid this fatal exception. The impact, however, is that you no longer have atomic updates to the database in the same LUW. It is a trade-off, but it can get you out of a difficult situation quickly.

The Never transaction attribute is perhaps the most interesting of all. It behaves the same as the NotSupported transaction attribute with one important difference: if a transaction context exists when a method is called using the Never transaction attribute, an exception is thrown indicating that a transaction is not allowed when you invoke that method. The only use case I have been able to come up with for this transaction attribute is for testing. It provides a quick and easy way of verifying that a transaction exists when you invoke a particular method. If you use the Never transaction attribute and receive an exception when invoking the method in question, you know a transaction was present. If the method is allowed to execute, you know a transaction was not present. This is a great way of guaranteeing that your transaction strategy is solid.

Friday, April 10, 2009

RAD feature: short cut to view outline

Several times I have scrolled through a java class in RAD to go to a specific method. Today only I found out this nice feature.

Its a key board short cut to view outline. Outline will be always available in the RHS side. but most of the time you will be in the full screen mode while developing.

Try Ctrl+o while in a java class. It gives you a listing of methods in the class and you can directly jump into the method you wish to. So cool.. try it out.

I think it is an eclipse feature and not RAD specific, so should work with eclipse too.